Word Of The Day

Tuesday 21 February 2012

International Pancake Dissapointment Day

I hate Pancake Day. It’s the one day of the year, you spend thinking you’re the absolute boss of culinary perfection, then 15 seconds later, you realise you’re even more of an idiot than you were last year. 

Most years, it’s the flip that catches me out; too much wrist, not enough flip, not enough wrist, too much flip, etc. This year however, I experienced a different sort of desert-based disappointment...

As the pancake descended, I saw, mid-flip, that the top of the pancake was moving slightly, with the creeping jiggle of under-cooked pancake. I began to cry out in desperation, when it made friends with the pan once again, and it’s par-backed innards hurtled out like the organs of exploding cattle, hitting the kitchen cabinets, the ceiling, and inevitably, my face.

Pancakes 17 : 0 Me