Word Of The Day

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Worked Out...

Yesterday I had been so busy I didn't have a spare minute to sit down and think, "I know, I'll write another blog entry!" This was because I had been worked to the high heavens and back. This might be a long post...

My day started at 8:30 when I had to get up to do various house tasks before getting ready to go off to my music lesson 7 miles away. Then as soon as it was finished, I was given a lift back. But before I could go home and have any breackfast I was dropped off in the high street where I voulenteered in the local Red Cross shop for two and a half hours.

Then the minute I was done with my jobs at the shop, I was picked up by my mum, who took me shopping another 7 miles away. After being dragged, I KID YOU NOT, 17 times around the shopping centre looking for "the perfect pair of Shoes", we finally droove home. When I got home at about 5:30pm I finally had my breakfast, then went outside to wash the car.

It turned out to be harder than first thought, as it soon became a race of time between me, and the ever closer night of a typical British October.

But alas, I did not stop there!!! I then went inside and had to bake 6 tarts and a set of confectionary for my sister at university!

Once all of this was done, I had something to eat then fell fast asleep. What a loooooong day. I'm sorry if this isn't very funny, bit there somehow wasn't time for funny yesterday. =[   Perhaps today will be better...

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