Word Of The Day

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Bad Times With Evil Tweasers

Today I went to my night class at school again, where we study taking computers apart; putting them back together; reprogramming them, etc.

We were finally assigned our own PCs, which we're allowed to dissect for practice. Me and my friend decided we would share our test victim, so as to save time and things.

We were having a good time taking it apart, until one of the other people on the course came over to me and said, "Robert, stick your finger out." So I did... He held out a pair of yellow, plastic, 4 pronged tweaser-things, then held it over the end of my little finger. Then suddenly he let go of the button and they clamped round the end of my finger. I looked up, not in a great deal of pain, but it did smart a little...

Thinking that it was fine, merely a fraction after them closing on my finger, he went to pull them off. Boy did that hurt.

Once again, (a definite running theme, it would seem) profanities erupted from my mouth. However that's not what shocked everyone. Oh nay, they expected me to shout and swear. What did make them jump however, was the fact that the verbal abuse I projected from my lungs was about three octaves higher than they had ever heard me talk.

I like to think this auditory bombardment was a sufficient payback for my somewhat throbbing thumb.

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